
We have floors!

Last Summer, I learned some hard lessons on managing my own time. Turns out when you don't have to report to a job everyday, those hours don't magically multiply into more hours. I was somewhere between Bob Marshall back country trail volunteer services, a concert in Missoula, flying to Texas for work and fighting off bouts of UTI's when I needed to pick up these floors from Portland. I wasn't having much luck with delivery services, and being the person I am, decided to borrowed a big truck [ thank's Roy ], rent a U-Haul trailer and drive to Portland over night, hand load 1,500 square feet of solid wood flooring and drive it back to Pullman, unload and catch a flight the next day to Texas. I had complete intentions of doing this all on my own, when Rachel and I's friendship took a whole new level and she insisted on coming with me. When we returned from our 'Operation retrieve floors from Portland' trip I remembering being committed to helping her pack for a backpacking trip she left for that night. I love her.

This was the only photo I have from 'Operation Retrieve floors from Portland'. We got breakfast at this sweet cafe, waiting at the door until they opened so we could make it back to Pullman early enough for Rachel to run off to her backpacking trip.

Those floors sat in my spare bedroom for 6 months, occasionally getting visited with dreams of someday seeing them beneath my feet instead of long idle stacks.

That day has come my friends, after 9 days of laying the floors, a layer of wood filler, several rounds of sanding, 3 layers of finish and a few hiccups. We have beautiful floors.



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