Needless to say, we are elated, the ultrasound made it so real for us, and especially atom, I have been feeling her constantly now, but she always calms when Atom comes near to feel. I read that her hearing is fully developed, and she can hear everything I can, I think she calms when she hears daddy. I was amazed at how much she squirms and wiggles her way out of pictures during the ultrasound. The tech had to be fast, and really know her way around the uterus to keep up and get the necessary photos to check things like 4 chambers of the heart, two major tendons of the umbilical cord, length and size of bone developments in her femur, hands, feet, head.
I am getting bigger everyday, I am amazed when I step on the scale. Fifteen pounds, Five increased bra cup sizes [yes FIVE] in 23 weeks, my body is no longer recognizable to me. I feel like Dolly Parton with a beer belly. Somehow though, it feels good, I like feeling her tumbling and kicks, I like having a belly that is undeniably fertile.

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