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A Space for Emma part I of II

When I was pregnant I spent a lot of time picking out things for Emma's nursery. These were things that I, at the time, thought would suit our daughter. I chose shades and colors that were on trend and gender neutral. I'm sure I spent many hours researching and curating that space that was to be hers, without knowing anything about her. We lived in that house for a year after she was born, before the company Atom and I worked for closed down, and we moved into our guest house to focus our efforts on starting a business for ourselves. The small guest house was about 650 square feet and had no rooms, only a loft and sizable cupboards that we made into a sleeping space for her. Then there were a series of moves on the east coast until we bought the schoolhouse, and we gave her the only room, but it doubled as a guest space, and stayed somewhat serious for child's room, she often stayed in the loft with us anyway, she was so little and still only cared about being close...

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