First 30 hours

We made it!
Not much to say about the first 30 hours, it's was a B-line to KC. Atom drove all night and I took the morning shift. I slept while he drove and woke up to relieve him before light. It was interesting to be asleep for hours and have no idea what the world around me looked like, just stay on the narrow road. When the sun started to rise it revealed the earth like a strip tease, only it wasn't nearly as thrilling. Here are some of photos of the midwest muck we were driving through.

We made it to KC in 30 hours, google maps estimated 26. A few hiccups with the bus, but she/he was loyal to us. We hope to come up with a name for the bus by the end of this trip. At around 5 a.m. [ after a night of driving] Atom suggested "Jelly", because it was like the jelly fish of the road. At that point I sent him to bed and took over driving, he was delirious.
Muck or not, I am already having a blast.
rock n roll on the mission! dig the pictures too!