Atom and I spent two days moving into the finished walk out basement and filling up the dumpster with carpet over the weekend. Never underestimate how complicated it is to move out of the spaces you need to renovate. I felt like I did a lot of prep work for this, but it doesn't take away the pain of figuring out what to do with every little box of what's its and basket of who's its.
One of the most exciting parts of this renovation project is the entry way. There is a horrible wall, that was hindering all the good light from the living room windows. I took the first moment after Atom left for work, Emma was off the school, and the dog was properly walked to suit up and take this mother' down!
For now leaving the railing and wall for safety, but I have big plans for this space.
before |
after |
I'm gonna get a sunburn with all that new light coming thru! ;)
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